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OMFG! StarCraft! ZERGASM!!!

27 July, 2010.

That's when Wikipedia says StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is coming out.

That's when I have my biggest Zergasm evar.

For the last year or so, I've been trying to save up enough money for a really first-class (or, at least, higher-bracket second class) gaming rig. Just for this game.

I want it so bad.

And so the end begins...

... as the deplorable former mayor of my city is declared to officially be the vice-president of my country.

Congratulations, Nognog, and may you enjoy your stay in office: I will be working hard to show everybody why you deserve to be kicked out of it as soon as possible.

Intel drivers causing memory corruption in GNU/Linux


This has been a problem for quite some time, and it's pissing me off massively. And this is why, the next time I'm building a machine, I'm putting FreeBSD on it. I have better things to do than worry about whether my next resume will end up with everything segfaulting.

Spider-Man, X-Men... is Iron Man next?

Gawd, I hope they don't reboot Iron Man after the third installment. :( Robert Downey Jr. is such the perfect Tony Stark.

Oh, ghod, please, don't let the next Iron Man movie suck.

(Yes, I know there's no X-Men reboot, but it needs one. Hell, the first three shouldn't even have happened.)

Ballmer just opened the Second Envelope

You know the business lore joke. The departing CEO meets his successor and hands him three envelopes to be opened in the prescribed order when trouble strikes.

First crisis, the message in envelope #1 says: Blame your predecessor. Easy enough.

Another storm, the the CEO opens the second envelope: Reorganize. Good idea.

And when calamity strikes yet again, he reaches for the third: Get three envelopes…

Piece written by Jean-Louis Gassée of BeOS fame. Incredibly good read.


If you were MEANT to understand it, we wouldn't have called it 'code'

I'm looking over code from my last job. This is not my code, mind you--these were written by my guys in my last gig. I've been looking at them for the last three days or so, and, damned if I haven't grown thirty years older in frustration.

I'm not saying their code was bad... I'm saying their code was fucking horrifying. It's not even The Daily WTF-bad. It's the Oh-ghod-please-help-me-manage-to-get-these-fuckers-out-the-back-so-I-can-shoot-them-dead kind of bad.

Sure, it's just a job: you get paid regardless of the quality of your code (until you get fired) and you won't get awards by writing elegant code, anyway. But, I mean, for ghod's sake... Why write code that makes it look like you went out of your way to actually fuck it up?

By no means am I a good code monkey, but, by-ghod, I try my best. And, to be honest, I actually find it harder to write bad code in the long run, because then I'd have to be high to be able to understand what I wrote when I wrote it.

I'm so pissed right now, I'm actually cursing and stomping while I'm fuming and writing this.