Cuddy never had House tutor her.
You don't hire an architect then butt in during planning to suggest using glass as your skycraper's foundation.
You don't scout for an F1 driver, then pull him aside to teach him the finer points of driving on the freeway during rush hour.
You don't ask a gourmet chef to cook you ham and eggs for your snack.
You hire experts then get out of their way because you need them to get their jobs done.
You don't hire a very good programmer then ask him to go back and comment his code (some of which, while pretty hairy, can be rather elegant) just so you can puff up your chest and prove to yourself that you've still got it (for any value of it).
You don't ask Einstein to go back to his equations that produced E=mc2 and have him label each step with an essay. You accept that you're not in the same league as him when it comes to physics, and just accept it.
Sure, you can ask him to explain it, give a lecture on it. But no one can and/or should expect him to spoon-feed it to undergrads.
My objection is not to commenting code. I do that. I advocate that.
But, like any programmer worth his salt, I try to comment on the why, not the how. The documentation on the how part is IN THE CODE. If you're anywhere near a halfway-decent programmer, you would know this, without having to be told.
If You (yes, you; you know who you are) are going to be selling this code to somebody else, couldn't you at least find a buyer who's, you know, actually a programmer? Or at least has one on his staff? Preferably a programmer who's beyond the Hello, world! stage in the language we're using?
But, I suppose I shouldn't complain. After all, this is billable work, too.
Regarding @langfordperry's new TV show, "Mr. Sunshine"
Danes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Sunshine_(2010_TV_series)
me: Tommy FUCKING Schlamme!
me: Jeebus.
me: If Sorkin is announced to write some episodes, I'm going to wet my pants even more.
Danes: Exactamento.
I can haz comments!!!11!!ONE!1
Thanks to howardtharp and his Tumblr entries, I became aware of the fact that my blog doesn't do comments.
Well, that's fixed now, not that anybody's mentioned anything about not being able to leave comments, or whatever. :P
How A $500 Craigslist Car Beat $400K Rally Racers
Have to go find me a $500 BMW in Craig's List. NOW.
Intel's X11 video driver on GNU/Linux is broken again
I've had enough of this shit.
I'm sticking with 2.10 (last good version for me) until the devs get their shit together.
I'd switch to Debian GNU/kFreeBSD right fucking now if I weren't so heavily invested in LVM.
Was looking for a Philippines-based online shopping site...
Found one through Duck Duck Go, clicked on it, then immediately closed it when I saw it was using Comic Sans
Seriously, WTF?
I hate posing for pictures. Plain and simple.
I’m not sure where this aversion came from, though I have hundreds of memories of begging my mother and my aunt to put the damn camera away. It’s not that I don’t like looking back, or I don’t enjoy seeing friends and family in other times. I enjoy the end result.
It’s the getting there that drives me slightly crazy. Anytime someone points a camera at me and demands that I smile, it doesn’t feel natural. It feels like a fake, manufactured moment.
Is that what we’ll all be doing 40 years down the road? Looking back at our lives, one setup shot after another? If it was up to me, my albums would be filled with out of focus, funny face and completely candid shots.
My life’s not made up of perfect moments; it’s filled with awkward and humorous ones. Let’s capture those, shall we?
Louisana lawmakers propose prayer to stop oil disaster
Yeah... There's no way this could not work.
To quote Least I Could Do's Ryan Sohmer:
Wherever my beliefs may lie, even the most religious among us should take offense to this.
God didn’t drill a well 15,000 feet under the ocean floor with faulty equipment. God didn’t elect corporate sponsored officials to run our government. God didn’t sit back for 60 days letting a corporation handle one of the largest ecological disasters in history, to serve their financial interests.
We did.
This is our mess. We should be the ones to clean it up.
Glorious double-layer moist chocolate-y goodness from HungryPac.
I still love it, even though their cake has gotten a little too sweet for me since I was introduced to them-- we were given a slice each back when I was working for the R&D department of Information Gateway (now XyberSolutions) by the Sun team (yay, Sun babes!).
Two cubes and half-a-liter of full cream milk makes for a great night's sleep. :D
But, yeah... I'm going to be shitting bricks tomorrow. :(
(P.S., the big knife shown in the pic was the one I used to slice up the cake. It's got chocolate smudges because I licked it all off right after I finished slicing the cake up.)