Blog topics on the backburner
Haven't done a substantial post (well, what passes for one around these parts) in quite a bit. Not that I've ran out of ideas; in fact, I've got a few. Just haven't figured out which one to tackle first. Which, I suppose, is just another way of saying I haven't mustered enough passion to write a 1.5k+ word post on any of these ideas.
Anyway, my regular visitors here (Yes, I mean you. You know who you are.) know how cantakerous and snarky I can be, if I can be bothered enough to care about something. And I'm building up quiet a steam; might be good for a rant or two. Here's a list of topics I'm thinking about writing; if you favor one (or two), let me know either through the comments, or IM.
- Why Wi-Tribe is doomed to failure: Wi-Tribe is a relatively new (here, anyway) wireless Internet service; I don't think they have a snowball's chance in hell.
- Telecommuting in the Philippines: Why it sucks, why it can't help doing so, and why it'll continue to suck for quite a while yet.
- Abortion: Oh, come on. You knew I'd write about this eventually.
- Comparison of the credit card system here and in the US: Why the situation here is worse.
- WTH happened to XEmacs?
- Drunk driving, breathalyzers, and privacy
You might notice that, out of six topics, only two are in any way related to tech. And, of those two, the angle I'm going for one of them (tellecommuting in the Philippines) is going to result in a post that's barely related to tech.
Maybe I should switch careers? :P